Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Meaningful Use Stage 2 Simplified for Us Pharmacy Folk: Part 5

In Part 1 we covered basic timelines and goals, in Part 2 we reviewed Core Objectives,  Part 3 we reviewed Menu Objectives, and our Part 4 touched on clinical quality measures.  

It is important to separate Meaningful Use from the ONC HIT certification criteria for EHR technology.  Although there are many similar criteria in both, Meaningful Use focuses on how healthcare workers should use EHRs.  ONC HIT criteria focus on the capabilities of the EHR, and what vendors have to build into the system they sell to health systems and clinics.

The 2014 ONC HIT Criteria attempt to parallel reporting criteria with Meaningful Use in addition to setting the quantity of certified EHR technology to meet each stage of Meaningful Use.  Requirements for EHR technology coupled with new Core, Menu, and clinical quality measures ensures 2014 will be busy for most health systems.  

In 2014 some criteria will remain the same, while others are modified,  removed, or brand new.  The following lists each criteria categorized respectively.  Green are directly related to medication use and will likely be influenced by Informatics Pharmacists. 

Unchanged criteria:
1.  CPOE
2.  Medication List
3.  Med Allergy List
4.  Authentication, access controls and authorization
5.  Integrity
6.  Incorporation of lab test results
7.  Advanced Directives
8.  Immunization information
9.  Auto log off
10.  Emergency Access
11.  Accounting of disclosures

Modified criteria:
1.  Vital signs, BMI, growth charts
2.  Patient lists
3.  Smoking status
4.  Drug formulary checks
5.  Patient reminders

Removed criteria:
1.  Public health surveillance
2.  Reportable laboratory rests and values/results

New criteria:
1.  Calculation and Reporting 
2.  Safety-enhanced design (drug warnings, CDS, eMAR, ePrescribing included)
3.  Quality design measures integration

Although many of us have or will have these technologies in place by 2014, accurate reporting will likely be our largest challenge.  Many health systems are still learning to use EHRs, creating a plethora of incongruous and unnecessary orders, visits, notes, and results.  I will be sifting through the mined data like the rest of you, trying to produce an accurate attestation for the folks at CMS.  

You can review updated information at the healthit.gov website.  

This concludes our direct summary of Stage 2 Meaningful Use and ONC HIT certification criteria.  Thanks for reading and please feel free to post questions or comments.  

Posted via email from pillguy's posterous

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